Connect Updates

Connect Updates

1 ene 2024

Connect Updates

Connect Updates

Connect Updates

We've made onboarding and managing customer accounts on your platform even easier. Here’s how:

  • Automate the creation of Mollie accounts - via the Create Link API -  and substantially reduce the effort required on your customers part during onboarding 

  • Further reduce the onboarding effort of your customer by sharing all relevant data fields via the Create Link API and the Profiles API. 

  • Access the Client page and monitor the connected customer accounts: their onboarding status, details and enabled payment methods. Also now downloadable to CSV or other formats. 

  • Through Co-branded Onboarding, you fully control and own the experience of your customer during the creation of their payments account. Co-branding the onboarding increases trust and improves conversion rates.

We've made onboarding and managing customer accounts on your platform even easier. Here’s how:

  • Automate the creation of Mollie accounts - via the Create Link API -  and substantially reduce the effort required on your customers part during onboarding 

  • Further reduce the onboarding effort of your customer by sharing all relevant data fields via the Create Link API and the Profiles API. 

  • Access the Client page and monitor the connected customer accounts: their onboarding status, details and enabled payment methods. Also now downloadable to CSV or other formats. 

  • Through Co-branded Onboarding, you fully control and own the experience of your customer during the creation of their payments account. Co-branding the onboarding increases trust and improves conversion rates.

We've made onboarding and managing customer accounts on your platform even easier. Here’s how:

  • Automate the creation of Mollie accounts - via the Create Link API -  and substantially reduce the effort required on your customers part during onboarding 

  • Further reduce the onboarding effort of your customer by sharing all relevant data fields via the Create Link API and the Profiles API. 

  • Access the Client page and monitor the connected customer accounts: their onboarding status, details and enabled payment methods. Also now downloadable to CSV or other formats. 

  • Through Co-branded Onboarding, you fully control and own the experience of your customer during the creation of their payments account. Co-branding the onboarding increases trust and improves conversion rates.

We've made onboarding and managing customer accounts on your platform even easier. Here’s how:

  • Automate the creation of Mollie accounts - via the Create Link API -  and substantially reduce the effort required on your customers part during onboarding 

  • Further reduce the onboarding effort of your customer by sharing all relevant data fields via the Create Link API and the Profiles API. 

  • Access the Client page and monitor the connected customer accounts: their onboarding status, details and enabled payment methods. Also now downloadable to CSV or other formats. 

  • Through Co-branded Onboarding, you fully control and own the experience of your customer during the creation of their payments account. Co-branding the onboarding increases trust and improves conversion rates.

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Mantente al día

Nunca te pierdas una actualización. Recibe actualizaciones de productos, noticias e historias de clientes directamente en tu bandeja de entrada.

Mantente al día

Nunca te pierdas una actualización. Recibe actualizaciones de productos, noticias e historias de clientes directamente en tu bandeja de entrada.

Connect every payment. Upgrade every part of your business.

Nunca te pierdas una actualización. Recibe actualizaciones de productos, noticias e historias de clientes directamente en tu bandeja de entrada.

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