Terminal Initated Payments

Terminal Initated Payments

8 nov 2023

Terminal Initated Payments

Terminal Initated Payments

Terminal Initated Payments

The Mollie Terminal showing new functionality to initiate a payment from the device
The Mollie Terminal showing new functionality to initiate a payment from the device
The Mollie Terminal showing new functionality to initiate a payment from the device

🚀New Terminal Feature Alert: Introducing Terminal Initiated Payments! 🌟

What’s new? You can now enter payment amounts directly on our terminals, eliminating the need for API integrations or third-party solutions. 

✔️Directly enter amounts for tips, splits, and custom payments

✔️Get paid without the need for a secondary device

✔️The simplest way to get up and running with Terminal

🚀New Terminal Feature Alert: Introducing Terminal Initiated Payments! 🌟

What’s new? You can now enter payment amounts directly on our terminals, eliminating the need for API integrations or third-party solutions. 

✔️Directly enter amounts for tips, splits, and custom payments

✔️Get paid without the need for a secondary device

✔️The simplest way to get up and running with Terminal

🚀New Terminal Feature Alert: Introducing Terminal Initiated Payments! 🌟

What’s new? You can now enter payment amounts directly on our terminals, eliminating the need for API integrations or third-party solutions. 

✔️Directly enter amounts for tips, splits, and custom payments

✔️Get paid without the need for a secondary device

✔️The simplest way to get up and running with Terminal

🚀New Terminal Feature Alert: Introducing Terminal Initiated Payments! 🌟

What’s new? You can now enter payment amounts directly on our terminals, eliminating the need for API integrations or third-party solutions. 

✔️Directly enter amounts for tips, splits, and custom payments

✔️Get paid without the need for a secondary device

✔️The simplest way to get up and running with Terminal

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Nunca te pierdas una actualización. Recibe actualizaciones de productos, noticias e historias de clientes directamente en tu bandeja de entrada.

Mantente al día

Nunca te pierdas una actualización. Recibe actualizaciones de productos, noticias e historias de clientes directamente en tu bandeja de entrada.

Connect every payment. Upgrade every part of your business.

Nunca te pierdas una actualización. Recibe actualizaciones de productos, noticias e historias de clientes directamente en tu bandeja de entrada.

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MollieActualizaciones de productosTerminal Initated Payments
MollieActualizaciones de productosTerminal Initated Payments
MollieActualizaciones de productosTerminal Initated Payments