


In collaboration with Mollie, LOTT.gioielli is seeking the ideal blend of payment methods to facilitate global growth.

In collaboration with Mollie, LOTT.gioielli is seeking the ideal blend of payment methods to facilitate global growth.




"From b2b company to rapidly growing ecommerce platform"

Marc Teuben and Robin de Kort — Managing Director and Marketing Manager at LOTT.gioielli.

Which payment methods work best where? Now that the exclusive jewellery brand LOTT.gioielli is expanding its rapidly growing ecommerce platform internationally, that question is on their minds. Fortunately, Mollie provides the flexibility to experiment with methods. Is Klarna the solution for Germany? LOTT.gioielli is giving it a try.

Which payment methods work best where? Now that the exclusive jewellery brand LOTT.gioielli is expanding its rapidly growing ecommerce platform internationally, that question is on their minds. Fortunately, Mollie provides the flexibility to experiment with methods. Is Klarna the solution for Germany? LOTT.gioielli is giving it a try.

Which payment methods work best where? Now that the exclusive jewellery brand LOTT.gioielli is expanding its rapidly growing ecommerce platform internationally, that question is on their minds. Fortunately, Mollie provides the flexibility to experiment with methods. Is Klarna the solution for Germany? LOTT.gioielli is giving it a try.

Which payment methods work best where? Now that the exclusive jewellery brand LOTT.gioielli is expanding its rapidly growing ecommerce platform internationally, that question is on their minds. Fortunately, Mollie provides the flexibility to experiment with methods. Is Klarna the solution for Germany? LOTT.gioielli is giving it a try.

"We gave ourselves 3 years to transform into a b2c organization. The turning point came much sooner. We reached our goal in 3 months."

Robin de Kort, marketing manager at LOTT.gioielli

From scrollable brochure...

LOTT.gioielli started as a 'traditional' b2b company, says managing director Marc Teuben. 'We sold through retailers to consumers. It went well, but we also wanted to establish our own sales channel. Online, because it scales more easily.' This ambition meant work – literally: 'Our old "webshop" was basically just a scrollable brochure. And we kept zero customer data. In terms of ecommerce, we were still at the beginning.'

From scrollable brochure...

LOTT.gioielli started as a 'traditional' b2b company, says managing director Marc Teuben. 'We sold through retailers to consumers. It went well, but we also wanted to establish our own sales channel. Online, because it scales more easily.' This ambition meant work – literally: 'Our old "webshop" was basically just a scrollable brochure. And we kept zero customer data. In terms of ecommerce, we were still at the beginning.'

From scrollable brochure...

LOTT.gioielli started as a 'traditional' b2b company, says managing director Marc Teuben. 'We sold through retailers to consumers. It went well, but we also wanted to establish our own sales channel. Online, because it scales more easily.' This ambition meant work – literally: 'Our old "webshop" was basically just a scrollable brochure. And we kept zero customer data. In terms of ecommerce, we were still at the beginning.'

From scrollable brochure...

LOTT.gioielli started as a 'traditional' b2b company, says managing director Marc Teuben. 'We sold through retailers to consumers. It went well, but we also wanted to establish our own sales channel. Online, because it scales more easily.' This ambition meant work – literally: 'Our old "webshop" was basically just a scrollable brochure. And we kept zero customer data. In terms of ecommerce, we were still at the beginning.'

...to ecommerce success

However, they managed to quickly build a thriving ecommerce environment, says marketing manager Robin de Kort: 'Once we had the infrastructure in place, we gave ourselves three years to transform into a b2c organisation. But the turning point came much sooner, partly thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. When all non-essential stores had to temporarily close, our online sales skyrocketed. We reached our goal in just three months.'

...to ecommerce success

However, they managed to quickly build a thriving ecommerce environment, says marketing manager Robin de Kort: 'Once we had the infrastructure in place, we gave ourselves three years to transform into a b2c organisation. But the turning point came much sooner, partly thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. When all non-essential stores had to temporarily close, our online sales skyrocketed. We reached our goal in just three months.'

...to ecommerce success

However, they managed to quickly build a thriving ecommerce environment, says marketing manager Robin de Kort: 'Once we had the infrastructure in place, we gave ourselves three years to transform into a b2c organisation. But the turning point came much sooner, partly thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. When all non-essential stores had to temporarily close, our online sales skyrocketed. We reached our goal in just three months.'

...to ecommerce success

However, they managed to quickly build a thriving ecommerce environment, says marketing manager Robin de Kort: 'Once we had the infrastructure in place, we gave ourselves three years to transform into a b2c organisation. But the turning point came much sooner, partly thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. When all non-essential stores had to temporarily close, our online sales skyrocketed. We reached our goal in just three months.'

"In Germany, Belgium, and France, we want to offer the payment methods that are popular there. With Mollie, you can arrange that in no time."

Marc Teuben, MD at LOTT.gioielli

Recovering from the growth spurt

The rapid growth was somewhat unexpected. 'It was a bit of a shock indeed,' laughs Teuben. 'Because it had a significant impact on our organisation. In the past, we packed large boxes for about 150 retailers. Now, orders were coming in 24/7. We scaled up our team in the studio, and everyone worked a bit harder. Thanks to the Mollie dashboard, we kept track of payment statuses. Now we run smoothly and set our sights on international expansion. Because we have ambitions there too.'

Recovering from the growth spurt

The rapid growth was somewhat unexpected. 'It was a bit of a shock indeed,' laughs Teuben. 'Because it had a significant impact on our organisation. In the past, we packed large boxes for about 150 retailers. Now, orders were coming in 24/7. We scaled up our team in the studio, and everyone worked a bit harder. Thanks to the Mollie dashboard, we kept track of payment statuses. Now we run smoothly and set our sights on international expansion. Because we have ambitions there too.'

Recovering from the growth spurt

The rapid growth was somewhat unexpected. 'It was a bit of a shock indeed,' laughs Teuben. 'Because it had a significant impact on our organisation. In the past, we packed large boxes for about 150 retailers. Now, orders were coming in 24/7. We scaled up our team in the studio, and everyone worked a bit harder. Thanks to the Mollie dashboard, we kept track of payment statuses. Now we run smoothly and set our sights on international expansion. Because we have ambitions there too.'

Recovering from the growth spurt

The rapid growth was somewhat unexpected. 'It was a bit of a shock indeed,' laughs Teuben. 'Because it had a significant impact on our organisation. In the past, we packed large boxes for about 150 retailers. Now, orders were coming in 24/7. We scaled up our team in the studio, and everyone worked a bit harder. Thanks to the Mollie dashboard, we kept track of payment statuses. Now we run smoothly and set our sights on international expansion. Because we have ambitions there too.'

"We are now testing if Klarna suits us. We find this payment method a bit exciting because customers only pay afterwards and have thirty days to think about it. We are curious how this will turn out for us."

Marc Teuben, MD at LOTT.gioielli

Testing with payment methods

In those ambitions, Mollie plays a crucial role, says Teuben. 'We chose Mollie because of the ease of adding payment methods. We are expanding our business to Germany, Belgium, and France and want to offer locally popular payment methods there. With Mollie, you can arrange that in no time. You simply switch them "on" in your dashboard and "off" again if the turnover is disappointing. So we can experiment a bit: what works, what doesn't?' "In Germany, Belgium, and France, we want to offer the payment methods that are popular there. With Mollie, you can arrange that in no time." - Marc Teuben, MD at LOTT.gioielli

BNPL for Germany is a must

'For the German market, for example, we need a method for paying afterwards. Germany has a mail-order culture: consumers there are used to ordering on account. Moreover, they are generally quite critical about what they order, resulting in low return rates. In that respect, Klarna is very interesting for us,' explains Teuben.

Testing with payment methods

In those ambitions, Mollie plays a crucial role, says Teuben. 'We chose Mollie because of the ease of adding payment methods. We are expanding our business to Germany, Belgium, and France and want to offer locally popular payment methods there. With Mollie, you can arrange that in no time. You simply switch them "on" in your dashboard and "off" again if the turnover is disappointing. So we can experiment a bit: what works, what doesn't?' "In Germany, Belgium, and France, we want to offer the payment methods that are popular there. With Mollie, you can arrange that in no time." - Marc Teuben, MD at LOTT.gioielli

BNPL for Germany is a must

'For the German market, for example, we need a method for paying afterwards. Germany has a mail-order culture: consumers there are used to ordering on account. Moreover, they are generally quite critical about what they order, resulting in low return rates. In that respect, Klarna is very interesting for us,' explains Teuben.

Testing with payment methods

In those ambitions, Mollie plays a crucial role, says Teuben. 'We chose Mollie because of the ease of adding payment methods. We are expanding our business to Germany, Belgium, and France and want to offer locally popular payment methods there. With Mollie, you can arrange that in no time. You simply switch them "on" in your dashboard and "off" again if the turnover is disappointing. So we can experiment a bit: what works, what doesn't?' "In Germany, Belgium, and France, we want to offer the payment methods that are popular there. With Mollie, you can arrange that in no time." - Marc Teuben, MD at LOTT.gioielli

BNPL for Germany is a must

'For the German market, for example, we need a method for paying afterwards. Germany has a mail-order culture: consumers there are used to ordering on account. Moreover, they are generally quite critical about what they order, resulting in low return rates. In that respect, Klarna is very interesting for us,' explains Teuben.

Testing with payment methods

In those ambitions, Mollie plays a crucial role, says Teuben. 'We chose Mollie because of the ease of adding payment methods. We are expanding our business to Germany, Belgium, and France and want to offer locally popular payment methods there. With Mollie, you can arrange that in no time. You simply switch them "on" in your dashboard and "off" again if the turnover is disappointing. So we can experiment a bit: what works, what doesn't?' "In Germany, Belgium, and France, we want to offer the payment methods that are popular there. With Mollie, you can arrange that in no time." - Marc Teuben, MD at LOTT.gioielli

BNPL for Germany is a must

'For the German market, for example, we need a method for paying afterwards. Germany has a mail-order culture: consumers there are used to ordering on account. Moreover, they are generally quite critical about what they order, resulting in low return rates. In that respect, Klarna is very interesting for us,' explains Teuben.

"For the German market, we need a method for paying afterwards. In that respect, Klarna is very interesting for us."

Marc Teuben, MD at LOTT.gioielli

See how Klarna performs

'We are now testing if Klarna suits us,' says De Kort. 'Customers who choose Klarna only pay afterwards and have thirty days to think about it. This can be an incentive to order more but also to return more. It remains to be seen how this will turn out for us. In Germany, return rates are generally low, so we are not very concerned about that. And thanks to Mollie, we don't have to wait long for our money because they pay out after just five days.'

'Our average return rate is generally low, even in other countries,' adds Teuben. 'That's because we don't compromise on quality. Our jewelry is handmade and delivered with care, so we usually meet consumer expectations well. However, we see an increase in the return rate with Klarna, especially with Dutch sales. You have to put that in perspective: compared to MasterCard, Klarna performs average. And it seems that with Klarna, we appeal to a specific audience: young people like that they can pay later.'

'It's great to work with a payment provider that supports our international growth,' says De Kort. 'We dream of being active throughout Europe soon. With Mollie, we have the right payment solutions for that.'

See how Klarna performs

'We are now testing if Klarna suits us,' says De Kort. 'Customers who choose Klarna only pay afterwards and have thirty days to think about it. This can be an incentive to order more but also to return more. It remains to be seen how this will turn out for us. In Germany, return rates are generally low, so we are not very concerned about that. And thanks to Mollie, we don't have to wait long for our money because they pay out after just five days.'

'Our average return rate is generally low, even in other countries,' adds Teuben. 'That's because we don't compromise on quality. Our jewelry is handmade and delivered with care, so we usually meet consumer expectations well. However, we see an increase in the return rate with Klarna, especially with Dutch sales. You have to put that in perspective: compared to MasterCard, Klarna performs average. And it seems that with Klarna, we appeal to a specific audience: young people like that they can pay later.'

'It's great to work with a payment provider that supports our international growth,' says De Kort. 'We dream of being active throughout Europe soon. With Mollie, we have the right payment solutions for that.'

See how Klarna performs

'We are now testing if Klarna suits us,' says De Kort. 'Customers who choose Klarna only pay afterwards and have thirty days to think about it. This can be an incentive to order more but also to return more. It remains to be seen how this will turn out for us. In Germany, return rates are generally low, so we are not very concerned about that. And thanks to Mollie, we don't have to wait long for our money because they pay out after just five days.'

'Our average return rate is generally low, even in other countries,' adds Teuben. 'That's because we don't compromise on quality. Our jewelry is handmade and delivered with care, so we usually meet consumer expectations well. However, we see an increase in the return rate with Klarna, especially with Dutch sales. You have to put that in perspective: compared to MasterCard, Klarna performs average. And it seems that with Klarna, we appeal to a specific audience: young people like that they can pay later.'

'It's great to work with a payment provider that supports our international growth,' says De Kort. 'We dream of being active throughout Europe soon. With Mollie, we have the right payment solutions for that.'

See how Klarna performs

'We are now testing if Klarna suits us,' says De Kort. 'Customers who choose Klarna only pay afterwards and have thirty days to think about it. This can be an incentive to order more but also to return more. It remains to be seen how this will turn out for us. In Germany, return rates are generally low, so we are not very concerned about that. And thanks to Mollie, we don't have to wait long for our money because they pay out after just five days.'

'Our average return rate is generally low, even in other countries,' adds Teuben. 'That's because we don't compromise on quality. Our jewelry is handmade and delivered with care, so we usually meet consumer expectations well. However, we see an increase in the return rate with Klarna, especially with Dutch sales. You have to put that in perspective: compared to MasterCard, Klarna performs average. And it seems that with Klarna, we appeal to a specific audience: young people like that they can pay later.'

'It's great to work with a payment provider that supports our international growth,' says De Kort. 'We dream of being active throughout Europe soon. With Mollie, we have the right payment solutions for that.'

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