We compiled all the tips the experts shared with us into four themes on which you can focus as a company to create the ideal customer journey:
Design & content
Measurement & testing
User experience
Fancy a sneak peek? We already share these 3 tips with you:
Tip 1: Invest in each stage of the customer journey
Today, the focus is still too often on brand awareness and advertising, in other words on the first stage of the customer journey. Some companies invest huge budgets to attract consumers and create brand awareness, but once you land on their website, the experience is anything but first-class.
If your investments in the different phases of the customer journey are not in equal strength, you suffer a loss of value. In today's times, as a business you cannot assume that consumers' preference for your brand is so strong that they will jump several hurdles to buy a product or service from you and not your competitor. If you invest the bulk of your budget in advertising, consumers will know your brand, but you will not be able to capitalise on that growth in brand awareness because your online user experience is not of the same level.
So make sure your efforts are balanced at every stage of the customer journey. Also communicate clearly what customers should expect at each step of the process to avoid friction and frustration. It is essential to tinker with the entire customer journey and not just optimise the first step. A 'customer journey mindset' is not just selling an item and done; you need to dwell on each stage in the process.

Tip 2: Tune your customer journey to the target audience
Target groups or customer segments are closely intertwined with the customer journey. Age, gender, location, interests or education level are factors that can influence the course of the customer journey. But there is more.
Each customer has a unique personality; this too can influence the buying and decision-making process. Is he/she a fast or slow decision-maker? Is his/her buying decision driven by emotional or rational arguments?
The emotional, slow decision-maker is more likely to delve into written reviews, while fast, rational decision-makers focus mainly on pluses and minuses. So getting every type of customer on board is crucial.
Also curious about the link between the target group and preferences in terms of shipping, payment and communication channels? Discover all the tips in the white paper!
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Tip 3: Avoid checkout obstacles
The checkout is the phase of the customer journey where conversion takes place, but also, by excellence, the phase where consumers most often drop out. Research shows that almost 70% of shopping baskets are abandoned.
In our whitepaper, experts look at the 8 most common problems in the checkout and offer a solution for each issue. Here are some ready-made tips to optimise your checkout in order to maximise conversion:
Choose a clear checkout page and limit the number of steps.
Allow shoppers to checkout as guests. The requirement to create an account is an unnecessary hurdle for some consumers that too often leads to abandoned shopping baskets.
Increase your average order value by upselling and cross-selling or offer free shipping from a certain amount.
Work with a payment provider to create a frictionless, reliable checkout experience and offer customers in every market their preferred payment methods.