Get ahead of Amazon using the power of personalisation
In ecommerce, consumers have never had it so good. These days low prices, huge selections and slick purchasing come as standard. They’re offered same hour, same day, or time-slot deliveries. This has, in part, been driven by the industry’s global giants, the companies with the financial resources and expert teams to fine-tune every part of the customer journey.
Meanwhile, millions of online retailers across the world are working hard to make their businesses a success. And, when you look at the numbers, it’s easy to see why they can feel fed up: in 2021, Statista estimates that Amazon will account for 50% of all retail ecommerce in the US. In Europe, that number is almost 10% and rising.
At Mollie, we believe that more modest-sized firms should never feel defeated. In fact, with the right strategies in place, there’s no reason why small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs) can’t compete with or even conquer these giants of ecommerce. Working with more than 130,000 businesses, we’ve identified four dimensions that we see as necessary to compete with ecommerce’s global leaders. In the first of a series of articles focusing on how SMEs can compete, we’ll explain how creating a truly personalised customer experience can drive success.

Get ahead of Amazon using the power of personalisation
In ecommerce, consumers have never had it so good. These days low prices, huge selections and slick purchasing come as standard. They’re offered same hour, same day, or time-slot deliveries. This has, in part, been driven by the industry’s global giants, the companies with the financial resources and expert teams to fine-tune every part of the customer journey.
Meanwhile, millions of online retailers across the world are working hard to make their businesses a success. And, when you look at the numbers, it’s easy to see why they can feel fed up: in 2021, Statista estimates that Amazon will account for 50% of all retail ecommerce in the US. In Europe, that number is almost 10% and rising.
At Mollie, we believe that more modest-sized firms should never feel defeated. In fact, with the right strategies in place, there’s no reason why small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs) can’t compete with or even conquer these giants of ecommerce. Working with more than 130,000 businesses, we’ve identified four dimensions that we see as necessary to compete with ecommerce’s global leaders. In the first of a series of articles focusing on how SMEs can compete, we’ll explain how creating a truly personalised customer experience can drive success.

Get ahead of Amazon using the power of personalisation
In ecommerce, consumers have never had it so good. These days low prices, huge selections and slick purchasing come as standard. They’re offered same hour, same day, or time-slot deliveries. This has, in part, been driven by the industry’s global giants, the companies with the financial resources and expert teams to fine-tune every part of the customer journey.
Meanwhile, millions of online retailers across the world are working hard to make their businesses a success. And, when you look at the numbers, it’s easy to see why they can feel fed up: in 2021, Statista estimates that Amazon will account for 50% of all retail ecommerce in the US. In Europe, that number is almost 10% and rising.
At Mollie, we believe that more modest-sized firms should never feel defeated. In fact, with the right strategies in place, there’s no reason why small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs) can’t compete with or even conquer these giants of ecommerce. Working with more than 130,000 businesses, we’ve identified four dimensions that we see as necessary to compete with ecommerce’s global leaders. In the first of a series of articles focusing on how SMEs can compete, we’ll explain how creating a truly personalised customer experience can drive success.

Get ahead of Amazon using the power of personalisation
In ecommerce, consumers have never had it so good. These days low prices, huge selections and slick purchasing come as standard. They’re offered same hour, same day, or time-slot deliveries. This has, in part, been driven by the industry’s global giants, the companies with the financial resources and expert teams to fine-tune every part of the customer journey.
Meanwhile, millions of online retailers across the world are working hard to make their businesses a success. And, when you look at the numbers, it’s easy to see why they can feel fed up: in 2021, Statista estimates that Amazon will account for 50% of all retail ecommerce in the US. In Europe, that number is almost 10% and rising.
At Mollie, we believe that more modest-sized firms should never feel defeated. In fact, with the right strategies in place, there’s no reason why small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs) can’t compete with or even conquer these giants of ecommerce. Working with more than 130,000 businesses, we’ve identified four dimensions that we see as necessary to compete with ecommerce’s global leaders. In the first of a series of articles focusing on how SMEs can compete, we’ll explain how creating a truly personalised customer experience can drive success.